Will the Mod Menu work on Public Matches?

Yes. All of our Mod Menus works on both Public and Private matches.

How do I remove a Mod Menu?

Simply take off the USB with the modded files from your console and reboot it.

Can my account get banned?

You might get suspended if too many players report you. Don’t just go on public matches trolling everyone all the time (you can do it once in a while for fun, just don’t do it on every single match and you should be fine).

Does it work Offline/Local?


Can I infect other players with the Mod Menu?

Yes, but not all mod menus support this feature. 

I can't find a USB stick, is there another way to transfer it to my console?

Nope. They’re called “USB Mod Menus” for a reason.

What happened to the minecraft mods?

They were discontinued due to the fact that the members responsible for it’s updates have left our team. We might release it again in the future.

Do I need to download the mod menu again whenever a new update is released?

No, you only download it once. The mod menus are automatically updated if your console is connected to the internet.

Why am I getting back do the console Dashboard whenever I try to play multiplayer?

This means that the game has recently launched an updated that made the mod menu incompatible. Please try again in a few hours or take off the USB and play without mods until we patch it.

Why does my screen freezes sometimes when I am using the mods?

You’re trying to do too much at once, do not overdose when using the mods. Every console has it’s limitations, if you keep spawning stuff in the game it will either freeze your screen or the game will crash.

Why do I need to complete a survey before downloading it?

We kindly ask you to complete a survey before downloading it, so we can generate revenue for future projects and also to keep the USB Mod Menus updated. Our mods will always be free, no need to worry about that. But your contributions will help us pay server and bandwidth charges, and help shoulder the costs of improving the Mod Menus every week.


Talk to us


Feel free to contact us if you need help setting up a specific USB Mod Menu or simply want to give us your feedback about it. Tell us how we can improve our mods!


Response Time:

1 – 3 business days

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